Excelente noticia, la nueva vacuna contra el VPH ya usada en mujeres fue aprobada para su uso en los varones por la Agencia Federal de Drogas de los EEUU.
Ojala que pronto la podamos tener en Venezuela para iniciar la vacunación de mujeres y hombres contra la causa más frecuente de cáncer de cuello uterino prevenible, de cáncer de pene, además de los condilomas genitales.
Ver los detalles abajo.
Alejandro Rísquez
Gardasil Approved for Use in Males, New HPV Vaccine Approved for Females
The quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (Gardasil) has been approved to help prevent genital warts in males aged 9 through 26, the FDA announced on Friday. As in girls and young women, the vaccine will be given as three injections over a 6-month period.
The agency also approved a bivalent HPV vaccine (Cervarix) for use in females aged 10 through 25, according to the manufacturer. The vaccine, which protects against oncogenic HPV types 16 and 18, is expected to be available in the U.S. by the end of 2009.
FDA news release on Gardasil (Free)
Manufacturer news release on Cervarix (Free)
Physician's First Watch coverage of FDA advisory panel recommendations on both approvals (Free)
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