martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Evidencia del sentido del espíritu de Navidad en el cerebro: estudio funcional de Resonancia Magnética Funcional.

TRADUCCIÓN DE GOOGLE, OJO, OJO, OJO. Más abajo el original BMJ 2015; 351 doi: (Published 16 December 2015) Cite this as: BMJ 2015;351:h6266


Objetivo: para detectar y localizar el espíritu de la Navidad en el cerebro humano.

Diseño del estudio: de simple ciego, grupo de estudio cruzado cultural con resonancia magnética funcional (fMRI). Ajuste de unidad funcional proyección de imagen y Departamento de fisiología clínica, medicina nuclear y PET en Dinamarca.

Participantes 10 personas sanas de la zona de Copenhague que habitualmente celebran Navidad y 10 personas sanas que viven en la misma zona que no tienen las tradiciones de Navidad.

Medidas de resultado principales activación cerebral única en el grupo con las tradiciones de la Navidad durante la estimulación visual con imágenes con un tema de Navidad.

Métodos de exploraciones funcionales del cerebro optimizadas para la detección de la respuesta de sangre oxígeno nivel dependiente (en negrilla) se realizaron mientras que los participantes han consultado una serie de imágenes con temas de Navidad intercalados con imágenes neutras con características similares pero que nada de lo que simboliza la Navidad. Después del análisis, los participantes respondieron un cuestionario sobre sus tradiciones navideñas y las asociaciones que tienen con la Navidad. Mapas de activación cerebral de la exploración se analizaron para Navidad relacionados con la activación en la "Navidad" y "no-Navidad" grupos individualmente. Posteriormente, se calcularon las diferencias entre los dos grupos para determinar la activación del cerebro específicas de Navidad.

Resultados: Grupos significativos de mayor activación audaz en la corteza motora sensorial, el premotor y corteza de motor primaria y el lóbulo parietal (inferior y superior) fueron encontrados en las exploraciones de quienes celebran la Navidad con asociaciones positivas en comparación con las exploraciones en un grupo de asociaciones neutrales ni tradiciones navideñas. Estas áreas cerebrales se han asociado con espiritualidad, sentidos somáticos y reconocimiento de emociones faciales entre otras muchas funciones.

Conclusiones allí es una "red de espíritu de Navidad" en el cerebro humano que comprende varias áreas corticales. Esta red tenía una activación significativamente mayor en quienes celebran la Navidad con asociaciones positivas frente a un pueblo que no hay tienen de Navidad y asociaciones neutrales. La investigación adicional es necesaria para entender este y otros posibles circuitos de vacaciones en el cerebro. Aunque feliz e intrigante, estos resultados deben interpretarse con precaución.

Evidence of a Christmas spirit network in the brain: functional MRI study

BMJ 2015; 351 doi: (Published 16 December 2015) Cite this as: BMJ 2015;351:h6266
  1. Anders Hougaard, research fellow in neurology1,
  2. Ulrich Lindberg, research fellow in neuroimaging2,
  3. Nanna Arngrim, research fellow in neurology1,
  4. Henrik B W Larsson, professor of clinical physiology2,
  5. Jes Olesen, professor of neurology1,
  6. Faisal Mohammad Amin, research fellow in neurology1,
  7. Messoud Ashina, professor of neurology1,
  8. Bryan T Haddock, medical physicist2
    Author affiliations
  1. Correspondence to: B T Haddock
  • Accepted 21 October 2015


Objective To detect and localise the Christmas spirit in the human brain.
Design Single blinded, cross cultural group study with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Setting Functional imaging unit and department of clinical physiology, nuclear medicine and PET in Denmark.
Participants 10 healthy people from the Copenhagen area who routinely celebrate Christmas and 10 healthy people living in the same area who have no Christmas traditions.
Main outcome measures Brain activation unique to the group with Christmas traditions during visual stimulation with images with a Christmas theme.
Methods Functional brain scans optimised for detection of the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response were performed while participants viewed a series of images with Christmas themes interleaved with neutral images having similar characteristics but containing nothing that symbolises Christmas. After scanning, participants answered a questionnaire about their Christmas traditions and the associations they have with Christmas. Brain activation maps from scanning were analysed for Christmas related activation in the “Christmas” and “non-Christmas” groups individually. Subsequently, differences between the two groups were calculated to determine Christmas specific brain activation.
Results Significant clusters of increased BOLD activation in the sensory motor cortex, the premotor and primary motor cortex, and the parietal lobule (inferior and superior) were found in scans of people who celebrate Christmas with positive associations compared with scans in a group having no Christmas traditions and neutral associations. These cerebral areas have been associated with spirituality, somatic senses, and recognition of facial emotion among many other functions.
Conclusions There is a “Christmas spirit network” in the human brain comprising several cortical areas. This network had a significantly higher activation in a people who celebrate Christmas with positive associations as opposed to a people who have no Christmas traditions and neutral associations. Further research is necessary to understand this and other potential holiday circuits in the brain. Although merry and intriguing, these findings should be interpreted with caution.


The Christmas spirit has been a widespread phenomenon for centuries, commonly described as feelings of joy and nostalgia mixed with associations to merriment, gifts, delightful smells, and copious amounts of good food. It is yet to be determined, however, where in the human body this “Christmas spirit” resides and which biological mechanisms are involved. We attempted to localise the Christmas spirit in the human brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Since its inception in the early nineties, fMRI has been instrumental in neuropsychological studies localising emotional and functional centres in the human brain. Feelings such as joy, sorrow, and disgust have been isolated to certain cerebral regions.1 We used a similar technique by comparing a group of people who have celebrated Christmas since their youth with a group having no Christmas traditions. We scanned the two groups while they were viewing various images and analysed changes in brain activity when they were viewing images with yuletide themes as opposed to regular images. Our hypothesis was that the two groups would respond differently to Christmas images based on their differences in exposure to Christmas celebrations.
Throughout the world, we estimate that millions of people are prone to displaying Christmas spirit deficiencies after many years of celebrating Christmas. We refer to this as the “bah humbug” syndrome. Accurate localisation of the Christmas spirit is a paramount first step in being able to help this group of patients. Location of the Christmas spirit could also contribute to a more general understanding of the brain’s role in festive cultural traditions, making a medical contribution to cross cultural festivities and goodwill to all.



The fMRI data in this study were collected as part of the visual paradigm for healthy controls in a previously published migraine study.2 The study was undertaken in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2008 and was approved by the local ethics committee. All participants gave written and verbal consent to fMRI scanning during visual stimulation. A total of 26 participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their Christmas traditions, feelings associated with Christmas, and ethnicity after scanning based on an assumption of their cultural background (box). Participants, and the ethics committee, gave explicit consent to the use of control fMRI data from the study in this article. No eggnog or gingerbread was consumed before the scans.

Post-scan Christmas questionnaire

  • Have you ever celebrated Christmas? (yes/no)
    • If yes, for how many years? (option of specifying number of years or answering “every year of my life”)
    • If yes, what are your general feelings about Christmas? (generally positive/generally negative)
  • Have you lived in Denmark all of your life? (yes/no)
    • If no, for how long have you been living in Denmark? (option of specifying number of years)
    • If no, where have you been living before? (option of specifying countries)
  • What feeling do you associate with Christmas? (free text)

Experimental setup

Participants were scanned with MRI while they were watching a series of images through video goggles (NordicNeuroLab, Bergen, Norway). A continual series of 84 images were displayed for two seconds each and were organised such that after six consecutive images with a Christmas theme there were six everyday images with similar forms and features though devoid of anything symbolising Christmas (fig 1). The alternating sets of Christmas and everyday images gave an interleaved block stimulation with the time periods where Christmas images are being viewed as “stimulation blocks” interleaved with “resting blocks” of viewing everyday images. Participants were informed that different images would be presented and were not made aware of there being a Christmas theme in the study.
Fig 1  Four examples from image series viewed by participants, which represent images with and without Christmas theme
Acquisition of MRI data was carried out on a 3T Philips Achieva (Philips Medical, Best, Netherlands). A T1-weighted MPRAGE sequence was acquired for use as anatomical reference (150 sagittal slices; 1×1×1.1 mm; TR=6.9 ms; TE=2.78 ms; flip angle=9). Functional scans used an echo planar imaging sequence (TR=3 s; TE=35 ms; flip angle=90; voxel size=1.8×1.8×4 mm; 112 volumes). Cerebral perfusion was imaged with a multi-TI pulsed arterial spin labelling sequence.3 Seven slices centred at the glabella were acquired to investigate regional perfusion and for use as covariate in the functional general linear model.
We carried out all post-processing, including the creation of brain activation maps, with FSL tools (FMRIB, Oxford) as described by Jenkinson and colleagues,4 with default settings. With FSL, functional data were motion corrected, spatially filtered with a full width half maximum Gaussian kernel of 5 mm, before we carried out general linear modelling (GLM) with the FMRI expert analysis tool (FEAT). Functional images were spatially normalised to the MNI-152 standard brain. We determined significant clusters of changes in brain activity (changes in BOLD signal) when participants were viewing Christmas images from the z statistical images by a threshold of z>2.3 and a (corrected) cluster significance threshold of P<0 .05.="" applied="" based="" comparison="" correction="" em="" error="" family-wise="" group="" nbsp="" on="" sample="" two="" we="">t
 test was likewise performed with FEAT with default settings. Perfusion measurements were analysed with the QUASIL tool (part of FSL), where we calculated quantification according to Petersen and colleagues.3 Locations of activation clusters from viewing Christmas images were cross referenced with the Jüelich atlas of the brain in FSL. To evaluate the methods, we previously performed a pilot study in four participants (not included in the current experiment) using a similar design. The preliminary results of this study have been published in Danish.5

Patient involvement

No patients were involved in setting the research question or the outcome measures, nor were they involved in the design and implementation of the study. There are no plans to involve patients in dissemination.


Based on the results of the questionnaire, 10 participants were allocated to the “Christmas group” (eight men, two women) and 10 to the “non-Christmas group” (eight men, two women). The six remaining participants were excluded either because of a strong Christmas connection despite having no tradition of celebrating Christmas (n=2) or non-positive associations with Christmas despite having a cultural background involving regular Christmas celebration. We analysed MRI data only from included participants. Those in the “Christmas group” were ethnic Danes who celebrated Christmas according to Danish tradition, while those in the “non-Christmas group” were Pakistani (n=2), Indian (n=2), Iraqi (n=1), or Turkish (n=2) expatriates or people of Pakistani descent (n=3) who were born in Denmark.
The baseline perfusion scans showed a normal cerebral perfusion of 54 mL/100g/min without any significant difference between the two groups (P=0.26). Activation maps from fMRI scans showed an increase of brain activity in the primary visual cortex (P<0 .001="" 2="" a="" both="" christmas="" compared="" everyday="" fig="" groups="" had="" href="" images="" of="" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank" the="" theme="" viewed="" when="" with="">⇓
). The Christmas group also had significant increases in neural activations in the primary somatosensory cortex when the images had a Christmas theme (fig 2). Comparison of the brain activation maps of the two groups showed five areas where the Christmas group responded to Christmas images with a higher activation than the non-Christmas group (fig 3). These areas of difference include the left primary motor and premotor cortex, right inferior/superior parietal lobule, and bilateral primary somatosensory cortex (P<0 .001="" areas="" brain="" christmas="" contrast="" group.="" group="" had="" images="" in="" larger="" no="" non-christmas="" of="" p="" responses="" significantly="" than="" the="" there="" to="" were="" where="">
Fig 2  Activation maps showing areas of significant increases in cerebral activity while participants viewed images with a Christmas theme as opposed to everyday images. Results presented are of a group analysis of participants from the “Christmas group” (top row) and the “non-Christmas group” (middle row). Results of an analysis between groups (bottom row) show that the Christmas group had significantly higher activation (increase in cerebral activity) when viewing Christmas images. Results are shown according to radiological convention—that is, the right side on the coronal and transverse sections represent the left side of the patients and vice versa
Fig 3  Cerebral areas where the “Christmas group” had a significantly higher increase in cerebral activity than the “non-Christmas group” while images viewed had a Christmas theme. The color scale is of z values representing response of “Christmas group” relative to “non-Christmas” as a control group.  In contrast, there were no significant clusters where the “non-Christmas” group had a significantly higher activation than the “Christmas group” in response to Christmas images.


There is a cerebral response when people view Christmas images, and there are differences in this response between people who celebrate Christmas compared with those with no Christmas traditions. Cerebral perfusion was similar between the two groups, despite the Christmas group’s yearly yuletide feast.
We identified a functional Christmas network comprising several cortical areas, including the parietal lobules, the premotor cortex, and the somatosensory cortex. Activation in these areas coincided well with our hypothesis that images with a Christmas theme would stimulate centres associated with the Christmas spirit. The left and right parietal lobules have been shown in earlier fMRI studies to play a determining role in self transcendence, the personality trait regarding predisposition to spirituality.6 Furthermore, the frontal premotor cortex is important for experiencing emotions shared with other individuals by mirroring or copying their body state,7 and premotor cortical mirror neurons even respond to observation of ingestive mouth actions.8 Recall of joyful emotions and pleasant ingestive behaviour shared with loved ones would be likely to elicit activation here. There is growing evidence that the somatosensory cortex plays an important role in recognition of facial emotion and retrieving social relevant information from faces.9 Collectively, these cortical areas possibly constitute the neuronal correlate of the Christmas spirit in the human brain.
We realise that some of our colleagues within the specialties of neuroscience and psychology, who we suspect could be afflicted by the aforementioned bah humbug syndrome, would argue that studies such as the present one overemphasise the importance of localised brain activity and that attempts to localise complex emotions in the brain contribute little to the understanding of these emotions. Citing a paper reporting fMRI evidence of brain activity in frozen salmon,10representatives of this view have even coined terms for this practice such as “blobology,” “neo-phrenology,” “neuro-essentialism,” and “neuro-bollocks” (Grinch and colleagues, personal communication). Naturally, in keeping with the good spirit of the holiday, we disagree with these negative perspectives.
We generally believe that fMRI is an outstanding technology for exploring the brain but that any fMRI experiment is only as good as its hypothesis, design, and interpretation. While celebrating the current results at a subsequent Christmas party, we discussed some limitations of the study. For instance, the study design doesn’t distinguish whether the observed activation is Christmas specific or the result of any combination of joyful, festive, or nostalgic emotions in general. The paired Christmas/non-Christmas pictures might have been systematically different in a way that we were not aware of—for example, the “Christmas pictures” containing more red colour. Maybe the groups were different in other ways apart from the obvious cultural difference. Given these uncertainties and the risk of false positive results, our findings should ideally be reproduced before firm conclusions are drawn, especially when we consider the recently documented challenges of reproducibility in our neighbouring specialty of psychology.11 Bringing these issues up, however, really dampened the festive mood. Therefore we, in the best interest of the readers of course, decided not to ruin the good Christmas cheer for everyone by letting this influence our interpretation of the study.
Further research into this topic is necessary to identify the factors affecting one’s response to Christmas. For example, responses to Christmas might change with development from a child, who primarily receives presents, to an adult, who primarily buys them. Subgroups subjected to receipt of tacky jumpers as their Christmas present might also have different responses in brain activity from those of subgroups who tend to receive more attractive gifts. Understanding how the Christmas spirit works as a neurological network could provide insight into an interesting area of human neuropsychology and be a powerful tool in treating ailments such as bah humbug syndrome. Comparative studies of these patterns will also be imperative in studying other seasonal disturbances, related to, for example, Easter, Chanukah, or Diwali. This study could therefore be an important first step in transcultural neuroscience and the associations humans have with their festive traditions.

What is already known on this topic

  • The Christmas spirit has eluded science thus far; though well known as a pleasant feeling, its cerebral location and mechanisms are still a mystery
  • Functional MRI has proved a valuable tool in locating which centres of the brain are active under a given stimulation such as viewing images
  • This technique has shown on several occasions that complex responses to stimulation evoke a network of activated areas in the brain

What this study adds

  • This study locates a “Christmas spirit” network in the brain that is activated by images with Christmas themes
  • The network showed a series of cerebral regions that are more active in people who celebrate Christmas with positive associations compared with people with no Christmas traditions and neutral associations


  • We acknowledge all those who spread a spirit of warmth, kindness, and generosity, regardless of the season.
  • Contributors: AH (guarantor) and FMA developed the hypothesis, recruited and scanned the participants, and edited the paper. UL scanned the participants, performed the data analysis, created the figures, and edited the paper. NA scanned the participants and edited the paper. BTH assisted in the data analysis, interpreted the results, drafted and edited the paper, and is guarantor. HBWL provided the equipment, interpreted the results, and edited the paper. JO designed the study, interpreted the results, and edited the paper. MA coordinated and supervised the project, interpreted the results, and edited the paper.
  • Funding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
  • Competing Interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form and declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. However, we would like to call “dibs” on any profitable non-invasive or even invasive treatment of bah humbug syndrome. We are currently preparing a patent application on a Santa’s hat that you can buy for family members with symptoms. When they start grumbling at Christmas dinner, with the touch of a button you can give them electric stimulation right in the Christmas spirit centres.
  • Ethical approval: The ethics committee of the County of Copenhagen (H-KA-20060083) approved the study. All participants gave written informed consent to take part in the study.
  • Transparency: The lead author, AH, affirms that this manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained.
  • Data sharing: All data are available by request from the corresponding author.
This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See:


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martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

la noticia optimista: OMS: VIH puede ser erradicado en 15 años


OMS: VIH puede ser erradicado en 15 años

El virus VIH puede ser erradicado en 15 años / Archivo
Pese al optimismo, la organización advierte de los grandes desafíos a los que se enfrenta la comunidad internacional en los próximos cinco años
El Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH), causante del sida, puede ser erradicado en 15 años si se intensifican los esfuerzos para combatirlo, según un informe difundido hoy en Zimbabue por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).

El documento, titulado "La respuesta del sector sanitario público al VIH. 2000-2015", destaca los grandes progresos conseguidos en la desde 2000 en la lucha contra el virus y recuerda que el número de portadores del VIH que reciben tratamiento ha crecido de forma exponencial en los últimos cinco lustros.

"Casi 16 millones de personas (en todo el mundo) recibían tratamiento contra el VIH a mediados de 2015, más de once millones de ellas en el continente africano, donde solo unas 11.000 personas recibían tratamiento en el año 2000", señala la OMS.

El documento, que ha sido presentado en el marco de la Conferencia sobre el Sida en África (ICASA), que comenzó ayer en Harare, añade que el número de muertes causadas por el VIH se ha reducido en un 42 por ciento desde 2004 -cuando dos millones de personas murieron por culpa del sida- hasta 2014, cuando el número de fallecimientos bajó a 1,2 millones de personas.

Según la OMS, estos avances en la lucha contra el virus han salvado desde el año 2000 unas 7,8 millones de vidas y es África la parte del mundo donde más se han reducido las infecciones.

Las mejoras registradas desde que comenzara el siglo son atribuidas a varios factores por la OMS, que subraya la importancia de los programas nacionales para evitar la extensión del virus.

"Aunque sufrían la mayor epidemia del VIH en el mundo, muchos países de África superaron sus graves problemas económicos para ofrecer respuestas públicas al virus lo suficientemente fuertes", dice el informe.

Entre las medidas tomadas por los gobiernos, la OMS cita los tratamientos para evitar la transmisión del virus de madres a hijos, así como métodos más recientes entre los que se cuenta la circuncisión masculina voluntaria, una práctica quirúrgica que reduce el riesgo de infección en los hombres.

Pese al optimismo del mensaje, la OMS advierte de los grandes desafíos a los que se enfrenta la comunidad internacional en los próximos cinco años, un período en el que deberá extenderse la atención a los portadores del virus e intensificar las medidas a gran escala para combatirlo.

"Si no se produce esta aceleración, el número de personas infectadas por el virus es probable que crezca otra vez y los costes de tratamiento seguirán incrementándose en el futuro", concluye el informe.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Deslizamientos en montañas de Mérida tras sismo (Fotos)


El movimiento telúrico produjo desprendimiento de material rocoso en varios puntos de la carretera Mérida-El Vigía por la vía de los túneles, donde las piedras, unas de considerable tamaño dificultaban el tránsito vehicular y generaron un fuerte congestionamiento.
Esto obligó al cierre temporal de esta arteria de comunicación, para resguardar la seguridad de los usuarios, ya que los derrumbes se presentaban con cada nueva réplica del sismo.
En el sitio permanecieron funcionarios del Cuerpo de Bomberos, Inpradem, e Inmivi, para remover los escombros y materiales sueltos que se encontraban en los sectores de San Pablo, Puente Viejo y Los Caracoles.
En cuanto a la situación de la infraestructura, luego de registrado el sismo, los municipios afectados fueron Sucre y Campo Elías, donde un total de 29 estructuras fueron reportadas como afectadas, mientras que una casa colapsó en su totalidad.
En Sucre 28 viviendas sufrieron agrietamiento de pisos y paredes, mientras que una casa de la aldea Tuco colapsó. En tanto que en Ejido, en dos torres de las residencias El Trigal, sufrieron serios agrietamientos, los cuales al parecer ya presentaban los edificios, pero con el sismo se agravaron considerablemente. Personal de Inpradem y PC-Sucre realizan la evaluación de los daños.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Un medicamento para el alcoholismo podría curar el VIH

Un medicamento para el alcoholismo podría curar el VIH

Publicado en: SaludTitulares

Foto: Archivo
Foto: Archivo
Un medicamento frecuente para tratar el alcoholismo, el disulfiram, podría ayudar a encontrar la esperada cura definitiva para el VIH, según los resultados del último estudio dirigido por investigadores de la Universidad de Melbourne (Australia) y que recoge la revista The Lancet VIH, publica Muy Interesante
Este fármaco que ayuda a disuadir a los pacientes de beber, funciona mediante el bloqueo de una enzima llamada deshidrogenasa, que desempeña un papel clave en el metabolismo de la ingesta de alcohol. Inhibir esta enzima provoca que si el paciente consume alcohol obtiene “como recompensa” un fuerte dolor de cabeza, náuseas, dolor en el pecho, vómitos, debilidad, visión borrosa, confusión mental o sudoración generalizada.
Lea la nota completa en Muy Interesante

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

vacunas protegen contra los dos tipos de VPH que causan la mayoría de los casos de cáncer de cuello uterino.

El VPH es un virus común que se propaga a través del contacto sexual. Hay muchos tipos diferentes de este virus y muchos de ellos no causan problemas. 

Ciertos tipos de VPH pueden llevar a que se presente:
Cáncer cervical, vaginal y vulvar en las mujeres.
Verrugas genitales en hombres y mujeres.
Cáncer del pene o de ano en los hombres.
Dos vacunas denominadas VPH4 (Gardasil) y VPH2 (Cervarix) están aprobadas:
Ambas vacunas protegen contra los dos tipos de VPH que causan la mayoría de los casos de cáncer de cuello uterino. Otros tipos menos comunes del VPH aún pueden causar cáncer de cuello uterino.
La VPH4 (Gardasil) también protege contra otros dos tipos del VPH que causan la mayoría de los casos de verrugas genitales en hombres y mujeres.

Estas vacunas no tratan el cáncer de cuello uterino.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015



Administración de vacunas para estimulación de respuesta inmune del huesped. 
Esto incluye cualquier preparación que objetive la profilaxis inmunológica activa.

jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

Vida y Salud: Precauciones ante el sarampión - YouTube Alejandro Risquez

Vida y Salud: Precauciones ante el sarampión - YouTube
hace 1 día - Subido por noticierovenevision
Ana Alicia Alba visitó al Doctor Alejandro Rísquez para conocer todo lo relacionado con este caso